About Larry Marshall
“Nakishi Sticks are not just tools; they are a testament to the enduring spirit of human innovation and creativity. That’s what you get with Nakishi Sticks.”
As a young boy growing up in Texas, Larry Marshall and his brother would often play with stone tools they found in the Mt. Franklin mountain range near their home. Looking back now, Larry wonders what they did with those precious artifacts and realizes their true value. Many years passed, and Larry’s memories of finding arrowheads or stone tools became scarce until he moved to Utah, a state rich in stone artifacts and famous for its dinosaur fossils.
Larry has seen numerous locations rich in history where flakes should are abundant, but he never seemed to have much luck finding anything himself. It made him wonder how many of these artifacts are stored in shoe boxes in people’s basements, never to be enjoyed by others. However, as Larry’s passion for flintknapping grew, he discovered that making his own arrowheads was not only easier but also more fun than finding them.
With his newfound hobby, Larry’s golfing and fishing days came to an end as he proudly embraced the title of a Knapper. He started creating his own flintknapping tools, including the Nakishi Stick, which has become popular among the knapping community due to its unique hand-machined design and versatility. The Nakishi Stick is a pressure flaking tool that provides up to 8 working tips in one Ishi Stick, allowing knappers to get closer to their work without a bulky tool handle obstructing their vision when knapping intricate work.
Larry’s ingenuity and dedication to his craft led to the development of Gen 1 and Gen 2 Nakishi Sticks. The Gen 1 Nakishi Stick features 8 working tips in one Ishi Stick, while the Gen 2 Nakishi Stick is designed for Indirect Percussion, providing knappers with even more versatility in their flintknapping techniques.
Larry’s story is one of passion, perseverance, and innovation. He has not only has contributed to the knapping community with his handcrafted and innovative Nakishi Sticks, which have gained popularity among fellow knappers for their unique design and functionality.
Larry’s deep love for the craft is evident in the quality and craftsmanship of his tools, which are cherished by knappers around the world. His legacy as a skilled flintknapper and innovator lives on through the Nakishi Stick. Larry’s impact on the history of flintknapping is undeniable, and his contributions continue to inspire and shape the world of flintknapping today and into the future.